SHOP MTWTri Boutique
We have the gear you love in July available on the MTWTri website for year round wearability. Is your favorite race shirt worn out and...
Support the YWCA•Buy a Sportsbra
Find us on the GO FUND ME site! We’re working to help the women at the Y get more involved in fitness activities.

Week Three Training Schedule
Week 3 Tues: swim 30 min your choice Wed: walk/run 20 min with a friend at talking pace Thurs: Bike 35 min Fri: swim – 100y swim then...

Need a little help training?
Week two training plan below. How did week one go? Did you get 6 days in on the routine building? Novice Mon: Day Off Tues: 10 x 50...

Where's my head go when I swim??
April is learn to swim month. USA Masters Swimming ( has lots of great tips. Need a coach to help you out? Contact us and we'll...

Transition area. Where it all starts and ends.
A transition area is the place you call home on race day. This is where you keep your gear. We've listed all the items you will need on...

It has been said that you will only do this race once on a team. After the support and comaraderie you experience on a team you will...

The swim start 2015
The first heat headed out of the gate running to their lanes. Swimmers were two in a lane and owned it until they were done. First two...

Jennifer M.....
Just Do it? It’s a short one. You can walk the run, you can bike using a tricycle, and you can doggy paddle the swim. It doesn’t...

Kelly B.....
My first tri was with Tina E. in Seeley Lake in 2011. We’d taken the Y’s beginning triathlon class but were still petrified. We didn’t...