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Swim distance is 500 meters in the 50 meter Memorial Park Pool. Five laps or 10 lengths. Depth is 3 feet to 5 feet.  All starts will be from the wall, no diving allowed.  Lane lines will be present and there will be 2 swimmers to a lane. Two elite wave starts then all other swimmers will start their event as a lane becomes available. Low pressure, safe, and FUN! 



A couple things to note on the run course:

- After exiting transition "RUN OUT" you cross the timing mat through the finish line.  You'll cross it again when you are finished!

- Make sure you don't cut across the grass on the right turn onto the sidewalk by the pool
- Cross Last Chance Gulch using the cross-walk, but switch over to the YMCA road-way upon entering the Centennial Park parking lot to leave space for the in-bound bikers on the path - same on the way back. 
- Stay left around the fountain by Exploration Works 
- When you return to the Memorial Pool parking lot - you turn right and still have another half mile to go!


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