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             "YES YOU CAN!"


The distance you have to cover in the water is 500 meters.  Most pools are 25 yards long.  Memorial Pool is 50 meters long.  500 meters is 10 lengths in a 50 meter pool or 20 lengths in a 25 yard pool. (pretty close anyhow)  You do not have to swim like the Olympians.  Front crawl (same as freestyle), back stroke, side stroke...anything is legal.  Just paddle through the water..... but no floaties or flippers.  The deepest it gets is 5 feet and we'll have lifeguards watching you.  Rest happens at the ends of the pool if you need it....but we won't serve umbrella drinks while you wait for your breath to return.  Learn to swim, practice, train....these are skills you'll use at the beach and on the will be safer in the water the rest of your life!!!  Swimming is a life time sport....there aren't many sports you can do all your life no matter what happens to you!


Opportunities to learn how to swim:


YES YOU CAN!!!!  Triathlon 101   Introduction to swimming - Group discussion and pool opportunity - stay tuned to this page and Facebook as we negotiate with the local pools and clubs.  Goggles, caps, suits, snorkels (not), mascara tips (don't), and more - all covered. This is the place to start if you think there's no way you can do this race.


Helena:  Capital City Health Club - masters: Tues 5:30pm, Wed 5:30am ,Th noon, Sun 8:30am

                   Crossroads - masters:  Wed 5:30 pm, Sun 9:30 am

                    YMCA - masters noon Tues and Th 12 - 1:00

                    Beginning Tri Classes tentatively scheduled at Crossroads and Capital City...stay tuned....


Bozeman, Missoula, Billings, Dillon, Choteau, Two Dot, etc......send us your info and we'll post it!   






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