Saturday - Memorial Park Pool
2:00-4:00p Packet pick-up - ID required.
Your packet will have your timing chip, bib number, t-shirt, and swag items.
4:00-5:00p Volunteer meeting for t-shirts, assignments, questions
Please park at the YMCA parking lot across from Memorial Pool
6:30am Transition area opens
7:30am Transition area closes
7-7:30am Volunteer check-in at tent
7:30am Racer Meeting
8:00am Race Start
11:30am Party begins when last racer finishes.
12:00pm Awards ceremony
Transition area: Areas for your gear will be marked off in the transition area. Pick your spot and set up your gear. Decorating your rack will make it easier to find. Same with your bucket – hot pink or leopard is hard to miss, and you can sit on it if needed. Basics for the transition area: goggles, cap, bike, bike shoes, socks, helmet (mandatory), sunglasses, water on your bike, running shoes, running hat, shirt or race belt with number on it, and sunscreen. Athletes only in the transition area. We’ll have volunteers there with baby blue shirts on who will help you set up and answer questions. Race captains will be available as well to answer questions. race t-shirts and can answer questions also.
Swim: NO DIVING into the pool. This will be automatic disqualification. Preliminary swim order will be sent out Thursday night. Final swim order will be posted at pool Sunday morning.The swim starts with a heat of 16 swimming 2 to a lane.You have half a lane until you are done. Swimmers line up behind the timing mat and enter the water in numerical order when a lane becomes available. You will be positioned with other women in your age group (unless they are in the first heat). You have half a lane until you are done. There will be lap counters. Please volunteer to count for someone else while you wait. Bring your suit, goggles, and cap. It is REALLY hard to get disqualified in the pool. Unless you dive in head first.
Bike: You cannot leave the transition area unless your helmet is on your head and buckled. Walk/run with your bike to the mount line and then get on the saddle and start pedaling. Stay on the designated bike course. Ride on the path along Custer. DO NOT RIDE ON THE ROAD ON CUSTER OR YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. Stay on the path. There will not be water on the bike course so take your own. Course will be marked with arrows and course guards will be at turns. It is the responsibility of the racer to know the course. There will be mechanical assistance throughout the course. Please carry your own spare tube and know how to change it. No promises on how long it will take before help arrives. Call out your number at the bike turn around on the end of McHugh to the spotters.
Run: Run course will be marked with MTWTri blue tape. Course goes behind pool near ball park - stay on the sidewalk until crosswalk to Centennial Trails. You will go under tunnel toward carousel, stay to the left to Silver Star turnaround the. straight out to the Carroll College/dump turnaround then back to water station staying left - do not go back through tunnel a second time, stay left and go back to pool same way you came. If your number is not marked at Silver Star turn around or dump turn around YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED so yell it out loudly just to be sure!
Refund Policy: No refunds. No exceptions. Please contact the race director at mtwomenstri@gmail.com.
presented by the Helena Symphony at Carroll College